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VST-plugin «Chorus GAS»

Chorus GAS

Free VST plugin - Chorus GAS consists of four independent modules of delay lines, which are tuned to the required notes from the full MIDI range (from C0 to G10), which allows you to get quite interesting combined effects - chorus, flanger, phaser, vibrato, etc., within one plug-in. Thanks to the tuning of the delay lines to the key, quite interesting types of tonal choruses and flangers are realized, imitating interval, chord, pentatonic and other sound combinations that cannot be realized through other effects. Another distinctive feature of this effect is the presence of an adjustable high-pass filter in the feedback loop, which gives a peculiar flavor to the sound, reminiscent of flight.

  • Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, macOS 10.11 and newer.
  • DAW with support for VST plugins.
  • Default Web Browser.
This is a digital download product only, not a physical version.
VST-plugin «Chorus GAS<»

Chorus GAS 1.0.


VST2 and VST3 version, 32/64-bit

Download last version of Chorus GAS for Windows 8..10 (4.03 MB). 
Download last version of Chorus GAS for Windows 7..10 (10.9 MB). 
Download VST2/VST3 version for macOS (For our patrons only on patreon.com)

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